Life presents us with the opportunity to undertake many roles.
Therefore, I assume the role of many characters.
Drama offers an outlet that permits me to channel my unique expression.
If I am presumed to be outlandish or insane, I shall always have
the last laugh because you, the spectator, willfully offered me
your time and attention. For that, I thank you.   


Autumn Simmons, creator, writer, producer and star of the award-winning sitcom web series, The Quirk Chronicles, has garnered recognition with an award of merit during the summer of 2016 from WRPN’s Global Webisode Competition, and has received a Philadelphia Independent Film Awards nomination in 2017 for Best Web Series.

In addition to The Quirk Chronicles, Autumn, has offered her unique voice to 8-Ball Graphix Animation Studio’s animated project, Hip-Hop High, giving voice to character ninja assassin, Azumi.

Last but not least, Autumn holds a BA in Communications from Wesleyan College and an MFA in Creative Writing from Rosemont College. She is also the author of the Young Adult book series, The Netherworld of Kemet, and the Middle-Grade novel, Adventures In Boogieland.


Tower’s High School, Drama Club, Best Pantomime 1994